A selection of reports produced by Valid Evaluations on evaluative work with programmes.
A Multi-Year Thematic Evaluation of DFID’s Multi-Year Humanitarian Funding Approach in Sudan
A Multi- Year Thematic Evaluation of DFID’s Multi- Year Humanitarian Funding Approach in Ethiopia
Can’t afford to be sick. Assessing the full cost of ill-health in North Kivu, Eastern DR Congo.
Counting the cost: assessing the full economic cost of ill-health in West Darfur, Sudan.
A Multi- Year Thematic Evaluation of DFID’s Multi- Year Humanitarian Funding Approach in Sudan
The Economic Case for Early Humanitarian Response to the Ethiopia 2015/2016 Drought
Thematic evaluation of DFID's MYHF in Ethiopia: Formative report
IAHE Evaluation of the Response to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, 2014
IASC RTE of the Horn of Africa Drought 2012
Evaluation of AUSAID’s response to the Horn of Africa Drought Emergency (looking at the appropriateness, efficiency and effectiveness of the response) 2012
DEC East Africa Crisis Appeal RTE in Ethiopia and Kenya, 2011
Evaluation of the UK Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) emergency response to the Balkans crisis of 1999, in partnership with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI).
DEC evaluation of the emergency response to the floods in Mozambique of 2000
Independent evaluation of UNHCR’s activities in meeting the rights and protection needs of refugee children. Findings were presented at EXCOM 2001 and the evaluation was described as the best humanitarian evaluation of the year by UNHCR’s then Head of Evaluations
DEC evaluation of the agencies’ response to the food security crisis in southern Africa in 2002/03
Evaluation of the DFID-IFRC Institutional Strategic Partnership 1999-2001
Evaluation of the DFID-ICRC Institutional Strategic Partnership 1999-2002
Evaluation of the DFID-UNICEF Programme of Cooperation to Strengthen UNICEF Programming as it applies to Humanitarian Response, 2000-2005
DEC evaluation of the Tsunami Crisis response. This involved a team of 12 people, looking at expenditure of £350 million in seven affected countries
Below is a list of work that Valid Evaluations staff has published, contributed to or collaborated on
Hallam, A. and F. Bonino, (2013), Using Evaluation for a Change: Insights from humanitarian practitioners.
Hallam, A. (2011) ‘Harnessing the Power of Evaluation in Humanitarian Action: an initiative to improve understanding and use of evaluation’ ALNAP Working Paper. London: ALNAP/ODI.
Collins, S., Dent, N., Binns, P., Bahwere, P., Sadler, K., Hallam, A., (2006) “Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition in Children”, Lancet
Hallam, A. (1998) “Evaluating Humanitarian Assistance Programmes”, ODI Good Practice Review,
Hallam, A. (1996) "Cost-effectiveness Analysis: A Useful Tool for the Assessment and Evaluation of Relief Programmes?" ODI Network Paper, April 1996.
Borton et al. Humanitarian Aid and Effects, The International response to conflict and genocide: lessons from the Rwanda experience - Study 3 of the Joint evaluation of emergency assistance to Rwanda. DANIDA/ODI, London 1996.